claretjaume@gmail.com / twitter / facebook / instagram / +34 674720732 / CV
Jaume Claret Muxart is a Catalan filmmaker who was part of the first generation of the Elı́as Querejeta Zine Eskola. His works include Ella i jo (2020), premiered at San Sebastian Film Festival and the International Film Festival Rotterdam and Die Donau (The Danube) (2022) premiered at FidMarseille and Seminci Valladolid. His films have also been screened at festivals such as FICUNAM, DocumentaMadrid, IndieLisboa, BlackCanvas, D’A Film Fesdtival and others. He is currently developing the short film La nostra habitació (2023). At the same time, he is developing his first feature film, Strange River, about a family travelling by bicycle along the Danube in the residency created by the San Sebastian Festival Ikusmira Berriak and Catalan Academy Residency. He teaches as an associate lecturer on the master’s degree in design and production of spaces at the UPC and the CCCB. He is a member of Arquitectura Filmada, a collective that produces architectural videos for studios such as HArquitectes, Toni Gironès and the Enric Miralles Foundation, and collaborates with the association A Bao A Qu.
*DIE DONAU / LOS DANUBIOS / short film / finished

ELLA I JO / short film / finished

STRANGE RIVER / ESTRANY RIU / feature film / in development
ARQUITECTURA FILMADA / videos for architects

ART/ videos for artists or services

MIA I MARC / shortfilm / finished

OTHER FILMS / videos, clips and films

REVIEWS / articles, festival coverage